Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Starting a new life..

I just came back from meeting a long time acquaintance. Wouldn't call him a friend since we were never that close, but we used to have a history back then. It quite taken me aback that he said thanks that I agreed to see him today. Well.. that is almost like an apology for things that has happened before, though for me I never want to remember all the bad memories. For me, everybody makes mistake including me. And if the other party started contacting me again after a long while, I have no problem with that. Generous huh? Hehehe.. Such a good soul that's me ;).

Reason that I went to see him was actually to let him test my cake. Though I doubt he would promote it for me, but who knows.. He might feel obligated to do so.. Huehuehue.. And if that thing ever happen, who will benefit from it other than me?

Well, ok.. We met and had a chit chat for a while. I asked him how has he been doing and so he asked me the same thing. Then, he said that he wanted to start a new life. Wanting to forget what has just recently passed. He broke up with his fiance. Not sure who dump who but the hurt must be unbearable if he wanted to went away just to heal up. I wouldn't agree though for someone to leave the country just to run away from someone. For me, it's like you are letting someone to control your life when he or she doesn't even want you! Otherwise, you'll never break up right? And why ever do you want to leave all your commitment, your beloved family, kids, friends, business, etc just for his or her sake. Gosh!! Personally, I would prefer to ask the other party to leave instead of me!

Yup.. I know I have no right whatsoever to tell someone to do this or that. That would make me trying to control someone else's life when I don't have the right to do so. This is just how I feel. Anyway it's my blog and I have THE right to write my personal view on this issue right?

So tell me, what do you all think about this? Feel free to write me your personal view.


  1. It's hurt. And hurt need time to hill.
    I've been many this kind of situation. Agree with you, run away it's not a good choice. I did that before and it'll become worst. Just sit down and sort it out. CAnt be gf or bf..but still can be friend though.. Just open your mind and look deep inside.
    Find something to do, make ourself busier and will forget it very fast. At the same time, may be someone better is waiting for us at another place..I wish..hhahaha

  2. If someone better is waiting at another place, then should leave to find that someone? Take it not as running away, but to find better opportunity instead.
