Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My first blog

It's still early on Tuesday morning on the 27th January, 2009.. 2nd day of CNY holiday. Or is it 2nd? Considering the two buddies (Saturday and Sunday), it is more appropriate to say it's the 4th day of the CNY holiday.. or is it? Well.. does is matter anyway? 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th? It is holiday dude!

However, this being the 1st blog I wrote here.. that should count for something though.. Hehehe.. I mean.. me?? Writing?? Have always been my dream.. well, one of the many actually.

I used to write when I was in school.. Poems, short stories, articles. You know, that stuff. And had once in a while got it published. And I like to read too.. the many stories written by the many writers and sometimes bloggers. Now that I have the whole time the world in me own hands (I have just quit my job actually.. not really just, been two weeks already and am enjoying it heartily), I figure why not start doing it again. I mean I love doing it, and I don't have much to do otherwise, besides baking cakes. Yerp, I bake cakes as a living nowadays ;). Just started too.. like re-writing. Only different, I never bake before..hehehe..

Right, back to my dream of writing.. I have always wanted to write a novel. Love stories maybe..but am always stuck for first few words. Always, always, always. How do people start writing novels? Should I write in past tense? Or present? Should I write it as in I am the person in the novel? I mean "me"ing the character? Or "she"ing it. You know what I mean? And how does the heroin and the hero meet? And should I write light and easy love story or the heavy stuff? I don't mean "that" heavy heavy.. I mean maybe they are professionals in love instead of the schoolers or college goers.

Yeah.. I think I should just write what I feel like writing and then re-visit the written stuff. See whether that makes sense or not. And adjust as appropriate. Hey..am I giving too much away?? Hahaha.. Too much? or nothing at all.

So dear friends.. Please, please,please support me blog and read it always. I will continue updating the progress of my upcoming novel, huhuhu... Don't you ever doubt it honey. That would come someday.

Okay dude!! Till later.. maybe I'll write again today!


  1. If u really want to write a novel, just feel you are inside the story and write what do you fell..But must have a line path,jgn melencong jauh sangat..hhahaha..if not may be you will forget you r telling the real story and sometimes people dont get what u mean and may be your secret will not be ur secret anymore..hahah

  2. Hehehe.. will do. But I can write my own story without revealing that it is my story though..

  3. Cake would come in another blog whih I haven't even started with.. Awok tolong la sayer..buleh?
